Saturday, February 25, 2012

Normal Lab Values

Normal lab values are a set of bio-physiological laboratory values that are found constant among human population detected using standard techniques. These values are used by the health professionals to interpret or identify a disease process in an individual. Normal lab values are essential in determining the prevalence of a systemic disease, course of the disease process, and also the treatment measures.

Red Blood Cell Count

Test                                                          Value Range                 Unit
RBC, Red blood cells (male)                         4.2 – 5.6                      mln/mm3 or M/µL
RBC, Red blood cells (female)                      3.8 – 5.1                      mln/mm3 or M/µL
RBC, Red blood cells (child)                         3.5 – 5.0                      mln/mm3 or M/µL

RBC Values
Hct, Hematocrit  (male)                               39 – 54                        %
Hct, Hematocrit (female)                             34 – 47                        %
Hct, Hematocrit (child)                                30 – 42                        %
MCV, Mean cell volume                               78 – 98                        fL
Red blood cell distribution
width (RDW)                                             11.5 – 14.5                   %
Reticulocyte (adult)                                     0.5 - 1.5                       % of RBC
Reticulocyte (infant)                                    0.5 - 3.1                       % of RBC
Reticulocyte (newborn)                               1.1 – 4.5                      % of RBC

Hemoglobin Values
Hb, Hemoglobin (male)                               14 – 18                        g/dL
Hb, Hemoglobin (female)                            11 – 16                        g/dL
Hb, Hemoglobin (child)                               10 – 14                        g/dL
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)               3.6 – 5.3                      % of Hb
Haptoglobin                                               0.35 – 2.1                    g/L
MCH, Mean cell hemoglobin                        27 – 35                        pg/cell
MCHC, Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration                            31 – 37                        %

White Blood Cell Values
WBC, White blood cells (male)                     3.5 – 11                       K/mm3
WBC, White blood cells (female)                  3.8 – 11                       K/mm3
WBC, White blood cells (child)                     5.0 – 10                       K/mm3

WBC Values
Neutrophil granulocytes                               45 – 81                        % of WBC
Neutrophilic band forms                              1 – 5                            %
Lymphocytes                                             14 – 44                         %
Monocytes                                                 2 – 6                            %
Eosinophils                                                 1 – 5                            %
Basophils                                                    0 – 1                            %
CD4+ (normal % value)                               31 – 63                        %
CD4+ (absolute count)                                416 – 1751                   /µL

Blood Coagulation
Platelet count, Thrombocyte (Plt)                 130 – 450                     x1000/µL
MPV, Mean platelet volume                          7.4- 10.4                      fL
PT, Prothrombin time                                  10 – 15                        PT
INR                                                           0.9 - 1.2
Thrombin clotting time (TCT)                      11 – 18                         s
Fibrinogen                                                  1.7 - 4.2                       g/L
Antithrombin                                               0.80 - 1.2                     kIU/L
Bleeding time                                              2 – 9                            minutes
Viscosity                                                    1.5 - 1.72                     cP

Immunology - Acute phase proteins
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Male)           0 to Age÷2                   mm/hr
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (female)         0 to (Age+10)÷2          mm/hr
C-reactive protein (CRP)                             5 – 6                            mg/L
Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT)                            89 – 230                      mg/dL

Isotypes of antibodies
IgA                                                           70 – 560                      mg/dL
IgD                                                           0.5 - 3.0                      mg/dL
IgE                                                            0.01 - 0.04                  mg/dL
IgG                                                           800 – 1800                  mg/dL
IgM                                                           54 – 220                     mg/dL

Enzymes and Proteins
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)                      0.4 - 1.7                      μmol/L
                                                                 50 – 150                     U/L
Amylase                                                     200 – 240                    nmol/L
D-dimer                                                     0.5                              mg/L
Lipase                                                        7 – 208                       U/L
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)          23 – 57                        U/L
Acid phosphatase                                        3.0                              ng/mL
Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)                 2.3 – 16                        µg/L

Electrolytes and Metabolites
Osmolality                                                 275 – 297                    mOsm/kg
Osmolarity                                                275 – 297 slightly less    mOsm/l
Urea                                                          7 -  21                          mg/dL
Uric acid (male)                                          2.1 - 8.5                       mg/dL
Uric acid (female)                                       2.0 - 7.0                       mg/dL
Creatinine (male)                                         0.7 - 1.3                       mg/dL
                                                                 62 – 115                      μmol/L
Creatinine (female)                                      0.6 - 1.1                       mg/dL
                                                                 53 – 97                        μmol/L
BUN/Creatinine Ratio                                   5 – 35                          mg/dL
Plasma glucose (fasting)                              65 – 120                      mg/dL
                                                                 3.9 - 5.8                       mmol/L
Full blood glucose (fasting)                          60 – 100                      mg/dL
Lactate (Venous)                                         4.5 - 19.8                     mg/dL
Lactate (Arterial)                                         4.5 - 14.4                     mg/dL
Pyruvate                                                    300 – 900                     μg/dL
Sodium (Na)                                              136 – 145                     mmol/L
Potassium (K)                                             3.5 - 5.5                      mmol/L
BUN                                                           2.5 - 6.4                     mmol/L
Urea                                                           15 – 40                       mg/dL
                                                                 2.5 - 6.4                       mmol/L

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