Sunday, February 26, 2012

Medical Abbreviations And Symbols

Medical science is a branch of science, which deals with human body and maintenance of health. As in any other field, it has an extensive range of vocabulary and terminology. There are a lot of usual medical words that we need to understand and keep track of as a medical professional and in daily life. The amount of medical words and abbreviations keeps on increasing with the advent of new techniques and advancements in field of medical science. It is also necessary to keep up to date with the latest medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols in order to understand the methods used in the treatment of the patient. It also helps one become aware and understand the common medical terms used in treatment of common diseases and disorders. Understanding the medical jargon thus becomes essential in the treatment process and follow-up procedures. Here is a list of common medical terms and abbreviations used in medical practice.

Abbreviation                           Medical Term
<                                              less than
>                                              greater than     
≤                                              less than or equal to
≥                                              greater than or equal to
125-dihydroxy                           1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
17-KGS                                    17-ketogenic steriods 
17-KS                                      17-ketosteroids 
17-OHCS                                 17-hydroxcorticosteroids 
A1c                                         Hemoglobin A1c
A&P                                        Auscultation and percussion
A&P                                        Anterior and posterior
A-fib                                        Atrial fibrillation
a.c.                                          before meals or food
A/a                                           Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
aa                                            of each
AA                                           Alcoholics Anonymous
AAA                                        Abdominal aortic aneurysm
AB / ab                                     Abortion
ABCs                                       Airway, breathing, circulation
ABG                                        arterial blood gases
ABO                                        A system of classifying blood groups
AC                                           Acromioclavicular
AC                                           Abdominal Circumference
ACA                                        Adult Children of Alcoholics
ACE                                        Angiotensin converting enzyme
ACL                                        Anterior cruciate ligament
ACLS                                      advanced cardiac life support
ACTH                                      Adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticotrophin
AD                                          Alzheimer's dementia or disease
ad lib                                        As desired, at pleasure
ad                                            to, up to
a.d.                                          right ear
ADH                                        Antidiuretic hormone
ADHD                                     attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ADL                                        activities of daily living
AFB                                         Acid-fast bacilli
AFL                                         Atrial flutter
AFP                                         Alpha-fetoprotein
AFV                                        Amniotic fluid volume
AI                                           Aortic insufficiency
AI                                            Artificial Insemination
AI                                            Amnioinfusion
AIDS                                       acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AKA                                        Above knee amputation
ALL                                         Acute lymphocytic leukemia
AI                                           Aortic insufficiency 
AIMS                                      Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale
a.l.                                           left ear
ALS                                         amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT                                         Alanine aminotransferase
AM                                          morning
AMA                                       against medical advice
amp                                          ampule
amt                                           amount
ANA                                        Antinuclear antibody
AP                                           Anteroposterior
Appy                                        Appendectomy
APTT                                       Activated partial thromboplastin
aq                                            water
aq. dest.                                   distilled water
ARC                                        AIDS-related complex
ARDS                                      adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF                                         acute renal failure
a.s.                                           left ear
ASAP                                      as soon as possible
ASHD                                      Atherosclerotic heart disease
ASO                                        Antistreptolysin-O
AST                                         Aspartate aminotransferase
ATN                                        Acute tubular necrosis
ATNC                                     Atraumatic, normocephalic
a.u.                                         each ear
AUC                                        area under the curve
AV                                           Arteriovenous, atrioventricular
AVB                                        Atrioventricular block
AVM                                       Arteriovenous malformation
AVN                                        Atrioventricular node
AVR                                        Aortic valve replacement
b.i.d.                                        Twice a day
B12                                          Vitamin B12
Bact                                         Bacteriology
BBT                                         Basal body temperature
BDI                                          Beck Depression Inventory
BE                                           Barium enema
BHCG                                      Beta human chorionic gonadotropin
b.i.d.                                        twice daily
BiPAP                                      Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
BKA                                        Below knee amputation
BLS                                         basic life support
Bm                                           bowel movement
BMP                                        basic metabolic panel
BMR                                        Basal metabolic rate
BMI                                         body mass index
BP                                           blood pressure
BPAD                                      Bipolar affective disorder
BPD                                         Biparietal diameter
BPH                                         benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPRS                                       Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
Bpm                                         Beats per minute
BSA                                         body surface area
BSO                                        Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
BUN                                        Blood urea nitrogen
BV                                           Bacterial vaginosis
BVH                                        Biventricular hypertrophy
BX, Bx                                    Biopsy
C                                            Celsius, centigrade, complement
C. diff                                     Clostridium difficile
c                                             a gallon, with
C&S                                        Culture and sensitivity
c*                                           With
C-section                                 Cesarean section
C-spine                                    Cervical spine
c/w                                          Consistent with
C1-9                                        Cervical vertebrae 1-9
Ca                                           Calcium                                                           
CA, Ca, ca                               Cancer, carcinoma
CAB                                        Coronary artery bypass
CABG                                      coronary artery bypass grafting
CAD                                        coronary artery disease
cal                                           calorie
Caps                                        Capsules
CAM Walker                            Controlled ankle movement walker     
CAT                                        Computerized axial tomography (CAT Scan)
CAV                                        Cytoxan, adrimycin, and vincristine
CBC                                        Complete blood count
CBT                                        cognitive behavioral therapy
cc                                           cubic centimeter
CC, C.C.                                 Chief complaint
CCE                                        Clubbing, cyanosis, or edema
CCL                                        creatinine clearance
CCU                                        Coronary care unit
CDC                                        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEA                                        Carcinoembryonic antigen
CF                                           cystic fibrosis
cg                                           Centigram
CHF                                        Congestive heart failure
CGI                                         Clinical Global Impression
Chol                                         Cholesterol
CK                                          Creatine kinase
Cl                                             Chloride, chlorine
CLL                                         Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
CIE                                          chemotherapy-induced emesis
CIV                                         continuous I.V. infusion
cm                                           Centimeter
CMC                                       Carpometacarpal
CMG                                       Cystometrogram
CMV                                       Cytomegalovirus
CNS                                        central nervous system
CO                                          Carbon monoxide, cardiac output
CO2                                        Carbon dioxide
COMP                                     Compound
cont                                         continue
COPD                                      chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP                                       Continuous positive airway pressure
CPD                                        Cephalopelvic disproportion
CPE                                         complete physical exam  
CPK                                         Creatine phosphokinase
CPM                                        Continuous passive motion
CPR                                         Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, C-reactive protein
Cr                                            Creatinine
CRF                                         chronic renal failure
CRP                                         C-reactive protein
CSF                                         Cerebrospinal fluid
CT                                           computed tomography
CTAB                                       clear to auscultation bilaterally
CTR                                         Carpal tunnel release
CTS                                         Carpal tunnel syndrome
cu                                             Cubic
CV                                           Cardiovascular
CVA                                         Cerebrovascular accident
CVA                                         Costovertabral angle
CVD                                        Cerebrovascular disease
CVP                                         Central venous pressure
CVS                                         Cardiovascular system
CXR                                        Chest x-ray film or radiograph
d                                              day
d/c                                           discontinue
D&C                                        Dilatation and curettage
D/W                                         Dextrose in water
DBP                                         Diastolic blood pressure
DC                                           Discontinue
DC                                           Discharge
DDD                                        Degenerative disc disease
DDI, ddI                                  Dideoxyinosine, didanosine
Defib                                        Defibrillation
DIC                                         Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIFF, diff                                 Differential blood count
DIP                                          Distal interphalangeal
DISH                                       Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
dil                                             dilute
disp                                          dispense
div                                            divide
DJD                                         Degenerative joint disease
dl                                             Decliter (100 ml)
DM                                          Diabetes mellitus
DNA                                        Deoxyribonucleic acid
DO                                          Doctor of osteopathy
DOB                                        Date of birth
DOE                                        dyspnea on exertion
DP                                           Dorsalis pedis
DPT                                         Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (toxoids/vaccine)
DS                                           Double strength
DSA                                        Digital subtraction angiography
DSM-IV                                  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
DT                                           Delirium tremens
dtd                                           give of such a dose
DTR                                         Deep tendon reflex
DVT                                        Deep venous thrombosis
DX, Dx, dx                              Diagnosis
EBL                                         Estimated blood loss
ECF                                         Extracellular fluid
ECG                                        Electrocardiogram
ECHO                                      Echocardiogram
ECT                                         electroconvulsive therapy
ED                                           Emergency department
EMR                                        Emergency room
EMT                                        Emergency Medical Technician    
EDC                                        Estimated date of confinement
EEG                                         Electroencephalogram
elix, el                                      elixir
EF                                           Ejection fraction
EFW                                        Estimated fetal weight
EGA                                        Estimated gestational age
EGD                                        Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EKG                                        Electrocardiogram
EMG                                        Electromyogram
ENT                                         Ear, nose, and throat
EOM                                        Extraocular muscle
EOMI                                       Extraocular muscles intact
emp                                          as directed
ESR                                         Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EST                                         Electroshock therapy
EPS                                         extrapyramidal side effects
ET                                            Endotracheal
ER                                           Emergency room
ERA                                         Estroadiol receptor assay
ERCP                                      Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESRD                                      end stage renal disease
et                                             and
EtOH                                       alcohol
Exc                                          Excision
ex aq                                        in water
F                                             Fahrenheit
f, ft                                          make, let be made
F/U                                          Follow-up (study, exam, test, care)
FB                                           Foreign body
FBS                                         Fasting blood sugar
FCD                                        Fibrocystic disease
FDA                                        Food and Drug Administration
Fe                                           Iron
FEF                                         Forced expiratory flow
FFP                                         Fresh frozen plasma
FH                                           Family history
FHR                                         Fetal heart rate
FL                                            Femur length
FMS                                        fibromyalgia syndrome
FMLA                                      Family and Medical Leave Act
FSH                                         Follicle-stimulating hormone
Ft                                            Foot, feet, (measure)
FUO                                        Fever of undetermined origin
g, gm                                       Gram
G                                             Gravida
G6PD                                      Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
gastroc                                     Gastrocnemius
GA                                          Gamblers Anonymous
GABA                                      gamma-aminobutyric acid
GAD                                        generalized anxiety disorder
GAF                                        Global Assessment of Functioning Scale
GBS                                         Group B Streptococcus bacteria, or group B streptococcal infection
GC                                          Gonococcus
GCS                                        Glasgow Coma Scale
GCT                                        Glucose challenge test
GDM                                       Gestational diabetes mellitus
GE                                           Gastroesophageal
GE                                           Gastroenterology
GERD                                      gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFR                                         glomerular filtration rate
GI                                            Gastrointestinal
GITS                                        gastrointestinal therapeutic system
GP                                           General practitioner
Gr                                           Grain
gt, gtt                                       Drop, drops
GTT                                        Glucose tolerance test
GU                                          Genitourinary
GVHD                                      graft versus host disease
GXT                                        Graded exercise stress test
GYN, gyn                                 Gynecology
H&H                                        Hemoglobin and hematocrit
H&P                                        History and physical
h                                              hour
h.s.                                          At bedtime, hour of sleep
h/o                                           History of
HAM-A                                    Hamilton Anxiety Scale
HAM-D                                   Hamilton Depression Scale
Hb                                           Hemoglobin
HCG                                        Human chorionic gonadotropin
HCI                                         Hydrochloric acid, hydrochloride
HCO3                                      Bicarbonate
HCT                                        Hematocrit
HCM                                       Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy   
HDL                                        High-density lipoprotein
HDN                                        Hemolytic disease of the newborn
HC                                          Head circumference
HEENT                                    Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Hg                                           Mercury
Hgb                                         Hemoglobin
HGH                                        Human growth hormone
HI                                           Hemagglutination inhibition
HIT                                         Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
HIDA                                      Hepato-iminodiacetic acid
IV                                           Human immunodeficiency virus
HJR                                         Hepatojugular reflex
HLA                                        Human leukocyte antigen
HMD                                       Hyaline membrane disease
HMG                                       Human menopausal gonadotropin
HNP                                        Herniated nucleus pulposus
HPI                                         History of present illness
HR                                          Heart rate
Hr                                           Hour
HRT                                        Hormone replacement therapy
HSV                                        herpes simplex virus
ht, Ht                                       Height
HTN                                        hypertension
Hx                                           History
Hz                                           Hertz (cycles per second)
I&D                                        Incision and drainage
I&O                                        Intake and output
I.V.                                         Intravenous
IABP                                       Intra-aortic balloon pump
IAC                                         Internal auditory canal
IBD                                          inflammatory bowel disease
IBS                                          irritable bowel syndrome
ICH                                         intracranial hemorrhage
ICF                                          Intracellular fluid
ICP                                          Intracranial pressure
ICS                                          Intercostal space
ICU                                         Intensive care unit
ID                                            Infectious disease
IDDM                                      Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IgA                                          Immunoglobulin A
IgD                                          Immunoglobulin D
IgE                                           Immunoglobulin E
IgG                                          Immunoglobulin G
IgM                                          Immunoglobulin M
IHSS                                        Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
IJ                                             Internal jugular
ILD                                          Interstitial lung disease
IM                                           Intramuscular
IN                                            Intranasally
Inf                                            Inferior
Inj                                            Inject
IO                                            Intraosseous
IOP                                          intraocular pressure
IP                                             Interphalangeal
IPPB                                        Intermittent positive-pressure breathing
IT                                            Iliotibial
IU                                            International unit
IUD                                         Intrauterine device
IUGR                                       Intrauterine growth retardation
IUP                                          Intrauterine pregnancy
IV                                            intravenous
IVIG                                        Intravenous immunoglobulin
IVP                                          Intravenous pyelogram
IVU                                         Intravenous urography
JRA                                         Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
JVD                                         Jugular venous distention
JVP                                          Jugular venous pressure
K, K1                                       Potassium
K-wire                                     Kirschner wire
kcal                                         kilocalorie
kg                                           kilogram
KIU                                         kallikrein inhibitor unit
L                                             liter
LAD                                         Left Anterior Descending (anatomical location of coronary artery)
LAE                                         Left Atrial Enlargement  
LAMM                                     L-α-acetyl methadol
KO                                          Keep open
KOH                                        Potassium hydroxid
KS                                           Kaposi's sarcoma
KUB                                        Kidneys, ureters, and bladder
l                                              Liter
L-spine                                    Lumbar spine
L/S                                          Lecithin-to-sphingomyelin (ratio)
L1-5                                        Lumbar vertebrae 1-5
LAD                                        Left anterior descending (coronary artery)
LAO                                        Left anterior oblique
lap                                           Laparotomy / laparoscopic
lat                                           Lateral
lb                                            Pound
LBBB                                      Left bundle branch block
LCA                                        Left coronary artery
LDH                                        Lactate dyhdrogenase
LDL                                        Low-density lipoprotein
LE                                           Lupus erythematosus
LFT                                         Liver function test
LGA                                        Large for gestational age
LGI                                         Lower GI (gastrointestinal)
LH                                           Luteinizing hormone
liq                                            a liquor, solution
LICA                                       Left internal carotid artery
LIMA                                      Left internal mammary artery
LLL                                         Left lower lobe
LLQ                                         Left lower quadrant
LMP                                        Last menstrual period
LOC                                        Loss of consciousness
LP                                            Lumbar puncture
LPA                                         Left pulmonary artery
LR                                           Lactated Ringer's
LS                                           Lumbosacral
lt                                             Left
LUQ                                        Left upper quadrant
LUTS                                      Lower urinary tract symptoms   
LV                                           Left ventricle
LVH                                         left ventricular hypertrophy
m                                             Micron
M                                             mix; Molar
m                                             Meter, minim
m l                                           Microliter
m m                                         Micrometer, micron
m mol                                      Micromole
m Osm                                     Micro-osmole
MAO                                       Monoamine oxidase
MAOIs                                    monamine oxidase inhibitors
MADRS                                   Montgomery Asbery Depression Rating Scale
m. dict                                     as directed
mcg                                         microgram
MCH                                        Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC                                     Meancorpuscular hemoglobin concentration
mCi                                          Millicurie
MCP                                        Metacarpophalangeal
MCV                                       Mean corpuscular volume
MD                                          Medical doctor, muscular dystrophy
MDD                                       Major depressive disorder
MDD                                       maximum daily dose
MDI                                        Metered dose inhaler
MDI                                        Mental Developmental Index
MDEA                                     3,4-methylene-dioxy amphetamine
MDMA                                    3,4-methylene-dioxy methamphetamine
MEE                                        Middle ear effusion
mEq                                         milliequivalent
mg                                            milligram
mixt                                          a mixture
mL                                           milliliter
mm                                           millimeter
mM                                          millimolar
Mg                                           Magnesium
MI                                            Myocardial infarction
min                                           Minute
ml                                             Milliliter
mm                                           Millimeter
mM                                          Millimole
mm                                           Millimicron (nanometer)
mmol                                        Millimole
MMR                                       Measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine)
MMSE                                     mini-mental status examination
MMSE score                            Mini-mental state exam score
mo                                           Month
mol wt                                      Molecular weight
mOsm                                      Milliosmole
MOM                                       Milk of Magnesia    
MPPP                                      l-methyl-4-proprionoxy-4-phenyl pyridine
MR                                          mental retardation, mitral regurgitation
MRI                                         magnetic resonance imaging
MRI                                         Magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA                                      Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MS                                           Multiple sclerosis, morphine sulfate
MSAFP                                    Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein
MSH                                        Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MTP                                        Metatarsaophalangeal
MUGA                                     Multigated acquisition (scanning)
MVP                                        Mitral valve prolaspe
N                                             Nitrogen, normal (strength of solution)
N&V                                        Nausea and vomiting
NAS diet                                  No added salt diet    
Na                                           Sodium
NaCl                                        Sodium chloride
NAD                                        No acute distress
NCAT                                      Normocephalic, atraumatic
NCS diet                                  No Concentrated Sweets diet    
NG                                          Nasogastric
ng                                           Nanogram (millimmicron)
NGT                                       Nasogastric tube
NHL                                        Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
NICU                                      Neonatal intensive care unit
NIDDM                                   Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NKDA                                     No known drug allergies
NPO                                        Nothing by mouth
NSAID                                    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSVD                                     Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
NTD                                        Neural tube defect
NTG                                        Nitroglycerin
NF                                           National Formulary
NKA                                        no known allergies
NMS                                        neuroleptic malignant syndrome
no.                                           number
noc                                          in the night
NOS                                        Not otherwise specified
non rep                                    do not repeat, no refills
NPO                                        nothing by mouth
NSAID                                    nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NV                                          nausea and vomiting
O, Oct                                     a pint
O&P                                        Ova and parasites
OA                                          osteoarthritis
OCD                                        obsessive-compulsive disorder
o.d.                                          right eye
o.s.                                           left eye
o.l.                                           left eye
o.u.                                          each eye
O2                                           Oxygen
OA                                          Osteoarthritis
OB                                           Obstetrics
Ob-GYN                                  Obstetrics and gynecology
OCD                                        Obsessive-compulsive disorder
OCG                                        Oral cholecystogram
OCP                                        Oral contraceptive pill
OSA                                        Obstructive sleep apnea    
OM                                          Otitis media
OMB                                       Obtuse marginal branch
OPV                                        Oral poliovirus
OR                                           Operating room
ORIF                                       Open reduction, internal fixation
OT                                           Occupational therapy
OTC                                        Over the counter (drug that requires no prescription)
oz                                             Ounce
P                                              Phosphorus, pressure, pulse, para
p.c.                                          After meals
P.O.                                         By mouth
p.r.n.                                        As needed, whenever necessary
PA                                           Posteroanterior
PAC                                        Premature atrial contraction
PAD                                        Peripheral artery disease     
PANSS                                    Positive and Negative Symptom Scale
PAT                                         paroxysmal artrial tachycardia
PaCO2                                    Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
PaO2                                       Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
Pap                                          Papanicolaou smear
PCL                                         Posterior cruciate ligament
PCN                                        Penicillin
PCO2                                      Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
pc, post cib                              after meals
PCP                                         Pneumocystis pneumonia
PCP                                         phencyclidine
PD                                           Parkinson's disease
PE                                            Pulmonary embolism
PE                                            Physical examination
per                                           through or by
peds                                         Pediatrics
PEFR                                       Peak expiratory flow rate
Perrla                                       Puplis equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
PFTs                                        Pulmonary function tests
pg                                            Picogram (micromicrogram)
pH                                           Hydrogen ion concentration
PICU                                       Pediatric intensive care unit      
PID                                          pelvic inflammatory disease
PIH                                          Pregnancy-induced hypertension
PIP                                          Proximal interphalangeal
PKU                                        Phenylketonuria
plt                                            Platelet
PM                                          afternoon or evening
PMI                                         Point of maximal impulse
PMS                                        Premenstrual syndrome
PND                                        Paroxyomal nocturnal dyspnea
p.o.                                          by mouth
PO2                                         Partial pressure of oxygen
POD                                        Postoperative day
PONV                                      postoperative nausea and vomiting
PPD                                         Purified protein derivative (of tuberculin)
Ppm                                         Parts per million
PR                                           Per rectum
Pro time                                   Prothrombin time
P.R.                                         rectally
p.r.n.                                        as needed
PSA                                         Prostate specific antigen
psi                                            Pounds per square inch
PSVT                                       paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
PT                                            Physical therapy / prothrombin time
PTA                                         prior to admission
PTCA                                      Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTH                                         Parathyroid horomone
PTL                                         Premature labor
PTSD                                       Post-traumatic stress disorder
PTT                                         Partial thromboplastin time
PTFE                                      graftPolytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) graft
PUD                                        peptic ulcer disease
Pulv                                          a powder
PVC                                        Premature ventricular contraction
PVD                                        peripheral vascular disease
q                                              every
q.a.d.                                       every other day
q.d.                                          Every day
q. day                                       every day, daily
q. h.                                         every hour
q2h                                          Every 2 hours
q4h                                          Every 4 hours
q.i.d.                                        four times a day
q.o.d.                                       Every other day (tertio quoque die)
q.s.                                           a sufficient quantity
q.s. ad                                      a sufficient quantity to make
qty                                           quantity
QTc                                         Q-T Corrected (corrected Q-T interval)
qv                                            as much as you wish
R                                              Respirations, roentgen
R/O                                          Rule out
RA                                           rheumatoid arthritis
RAD                                        Right anterior descending
RAIU                                       Radioactive iodine uptake
RAO                                        Right anterior oblique
RBBB                                      Right bundle branch block
RBC                                        Red blood cell
RCA                                        Right coronary artery
REM                                        rapid eye movement
rep                                           let it be repeated
RF                                           Renal failure
RF                                           Rheumatic fever, rheumatoid factor
RFI                                          Renal failure index
Rh                                            Rhesus blood factor
Rh neg. (Rh-)                           Rhesus factor negative
Rh pos. (Rh+)                          Rhesus factor positive
RIND                                       Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit
RLQ                                        Right lower quadrant
RMSF                                      Rocky Mountain spotted fever
RN                                           Registered nurse
RNA                                        Ribonucleic acid
ROM                                       Range of motion (of joint)
RPR                                         rapid plasma reagin
RRR                                        Regular rate and rhythm
RSD                                         Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
RSI                                          Rapid-sequence intubation
RSV                                         Respiratory syncytial virus
RTO                                         Return to office
RUQ                                        Right uper quadrant
RVMI                                       Right ventricular myocardial infarction
Rx                                           take, a recipe, Prescription
s                                             without
S&S                                        Signs and symptoms
s*                                           Without
S.C., SQ, subq                         Subcutaneous
sa                                            according to art
SAB                                         Spontaneous abortion
SAH                                        Subarachnoid hemorrhage
SaO2                                       Systemic arterial oxygen saturation (%)
SBE                                         Subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBP                                         Systolic blood pressure
sec                                           Second
sed rate                                    Sedimentation rate
SG                                           Swan-Ganz catheter
SGA                                        Small for gestational age
SGOT                                      Serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase
SGPT                                       Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
SHEENT                                  Skin, head, eyes, ears, nose, & throat
SI                                            Sacroiliac
SI                                            International System of Units
SIADH                                    Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
SICU                                       Surgical intensive care unit
SIDS                                        Sudden infant death syndrome
SK                                           Streptokinase
SL                                            Sublingual
SAH                                        subarachnoid hemorrhage
sat                                            saturated
SBE                                         subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBP                                         systolic blood pressure
SIADH                                    syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretichormone secretion
sig                                            label, or let it be printed
SLE                                         systemic lupus erythematosus
sol                                            solution
solv                                          dissolve
ss, ss                                        one-half
sos                                           if there is need
SOB                                        shortness of breath
sp gr                                         Specific gravity
SPEP                                       Serum protein electrophoresis
spec                                         Specimen
SHPT                                       Secondary Hyperparathyroidism   
SQ                                           Subcutaneous
SR                                           Slow release
ss*                                           One-half
SS                                            Single strength
SSKI                                       saturated solution of potassium iodide
SSRIs                                      selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
stat                                           at once, Immediately
STD                                         Sexually transmitted disease
SubQ                                       Subcutaneous
supp                                         suppository
SVC                                        Superior vena cava
SVT                                         supraventricular tachycardia
sx                                             Symptoms
syr                                            syrup
T                                              Temperature
T3                                            Triiodothyronine
T4                                            thyroxine
T&A                                        Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
T&C                                        Type and crossmatch
T-spine                                     Thoracic spine
t.i.d.                                         Three times a day
T1-12                                      Thoracic vertebrae 1-12
tal                                             such
TAB                                         Therapeutic abortion
tab                                           Tablets
TAH                                        Total abdominal hysterectomy
TAH-BSO                                Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
TB                                           Tuberculosis
TBSA                                      Total body surface area
TCA                                        tricyclic antidepressant
TD                                           tardive dyskinesia
TEE                                         Transesophageal echocardiography
temp.                                        Temperature
TENS                                      Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TFT                                         Thyroid function test
TG                                           Triglycerides
TIA                                          Transient ischemic attach
TIBS                                        Total iron-binding capacity
TKA                                        Total knee arthroplasty
TKO                                        to keep open
TM                                          Tympanic membrane
TMJ                                         Temporomandibular joint
TMG                                        Trimethylglycine
TORCHS                                 Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, syphilis   (infection)
TPA                                         Tissue plasminogen activator
TPN                                         Total parenteral nutrition
TPR                                         Temperature, pulse, respirations
TRH                                         Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
tr, tinct                                      tincture
trit                                            triturate
tsp                                            teaspoonful
TSH                                         Thyroid-stimulating hormone
TSAT                                       Transferrin Saturation
tsp                                            Teaspoon
TTP                                         Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura    
TURB                                      Transurethral resection of the bladder
TURP                                      Transurethral resection of the prostate
TVH                                        Total vaginal hysterectomy
Tx                                            treatment
U/P                                          Urine-to-plasma ratio
U/S                                          Ultrasound, ultrasonogram, ultrasonography
u.d., ut dict                               as directed
UA                                           Urinalysis
UC                                           Ulcerative colitis
UGI                                         Upper gastrointestinal (tract)
ULN                                        upper limits of normal
ung                                           Ointment
UPJ                                          Ureteropelvic junction
UPEP                                      Urine protein electrophoresis    
URI                                          Upper respiratory infection
URR                                        Urea Reduction Ratio    
USAN                                     United States Adopted Names
USP                                         United States Pharmacopeia
USPHS                                    United States Public Health Service
UTI                                          Urinary tract infection
UV                                           Ultraviolet (radiation); B refers to the shorter-wave, more damaging   range
V-fib                                        Ventricular fibrillation
V-tach                                      Ventricular tachycardia
v.o.                                          verbal order
VBAC                                      Vaginal birth after cesarean
VCUG                                      Voiding cystourethrogram
VDRL                                      Veneral Disease Research Laboratory
VP                                           Ventriculoperitoneal
VRE                                        vancomycin-resistant enterococci
VS                                           Vital signs
VSD                                        Ventricular septal defect
VTE                                         venous thromboembolism
VT                                           Ventricular septal defect
VT                                           Ventricular tachycardia
VZV                                        varicella zoster virus
w.a.                                         while awake
WBC                                       White blood cell
WHO                                       World Health Organization
Wt                                           Weight
x3                                            3 times
x4                                            4 times
YBOC                                      Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
YMRS                                     Young Mania Rating Scale

1 comment:

  1. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,psoriasis,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia.(measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria),Chronic Diarrhea,
    Hpv,All Cancer Types,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on / even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.
