Thursday, October 24, 2013

Common Medical Prefixes

Medical prefixes  are words placed before the root word to modify and give a medical  meaning to the word. Most medical terms are originated from Greek and  Latin, while others are derived from languages such as German, English, and French. Knowing the structure of the medical word is essential to understand the meaning of the word. To understand a word, first look for the meaning of the suffix and then look for the meaning of the prefix and the root word. Knowing the prefix, suffix, and the root word, will help to identify a medical word better. The prefix word is followed by a hyphen in the list below.

eg: pericarditis = peri or around (prefix) + cardi or heart (root) + itis or inflammation (suffix)

Prefix               Meaning                                         Medical Word
a-   an-              without, not, less absence, lacking      ametria, apathy, aphasia
ab-                    from, away from, off                        abduction
ac-                    pertaining to                                     cardiac, hydrophobiac
ad-                    at, toward, near, increase                   adduction, adrenal
aden-                fat                                                    adenocarcinoma
an-                    not, without                                      anemia, analgesic
alb-                   white, pale color                                albino
ambi-                positioned on both sides                      ambidextrous
amni-                fetal sac, amnion                                amniocentesis
amph-               on both sides                                     amphomycin
amphi-              on both sides                                     amphicrania, amphismela
an-                    not, without, absence of                     anaerobic, analgesia
ana-                  up, again, back, apart                         anaplasia, anaphylaxis, anabolism
aniso-                unequal                                            anisocytosis, anisotropic
ante-                  in front, before, foreward                  anteflexion, antecibum, antepartum
anti-                  against, opposed                                antibacterial, antipsychotic
apo-                  away, separated, derived from             aponeurotic, apoptosis
arch-                 first, primitive                                   archinephron
axill-                  pertaining to armpit                           axilla
azo-                   nitrogenous compound                      azothermia
balano-               glans penis or glans clitoridis             balanitis
bi-                      twice, double                                   bimanual, bifurcation, bilateral
bin-                    two                                                binary
bio-                    life                                                 biology
brachy-              short, little, shallow                          brachycephalic
brady-                slow                                               bradycardia
capill-                 pertaining to hair                             capillus
capit-                 pertaining to head                             capitation
cata-                  down, under                                    catabolism
cervic-               pertaining to the cervix                     cervical
cili-                    pertaining to the eye lashes                ciliary
circum-              around                                            circumcision
co-                    with, together                                  coenzymes
col-                    colon                                              colonoscope
con-                   with, together                                  conjugal, congenital
contra-               opposite, against                               contraceptive, contraindication, contralateral
cornu-                horn                                               greater cornu
cox-                   relating to hip                                   coxopodite
cutane-               skin                                                subcutaneous
cycl-                  circle                                              cyclical
dacryo-              fear                                                 dacrycystitis
de-                     away from, cessation, lack of           debride, dehydration
dent-                  teeth                                               dentition
di-                     two                                                 diplopia
dia-                    through, during, across                     diameter, diagnosis, diarrhea
dif-                    apart, separation                               different
digit-                  pertaining to finger                           digital
dis-                    separation, to undo, taking apart        dislocate, dissection
dromo-               running, conduction, course             dromotropic
dys-                   difficult, bad, defective, abnormal      dysphagia, dysplasia, dyspnea
ec-                    out, away                                        ectoblast, ectoderm
ecto-                  outside, outer                                  ectocardia, ectopic pregnancy
endo-                 inside, within                                   endocardium, endoscope, endotracheal
epi-                   on, upon, over                                  epigastric, epidermis, epithelium
eso-                   inward                                            esotropia
esthesio-            sensation                                          esthesia
eu-                    true, good, well, new                         eupepsia, euthyroid, euphoria
ex-                     out of, outward, away from              excrete, excision, exophthalmos
exo-                   outside, outward                              exoskeleton, exocrine
extra-                 outside, beyond                                extradural, extracarpal
fili-                     fine, hair like                                   filiform
fore-                   before, ahead                                  foreward
front-                 pertaining to forhead                         frontonasal
genu-                  pertaining to the knee                       genu valgum
gingiv-                 pertaining to the gingiva                   gingivitis
gluco-                 sweet                                             glucocorticoid
gyn-                    woman                                          gynecomastia
halluc-                 wander of mind                              hallucinogen
hemato-               pertaining to blood                          hematologic
hemangi-             blood vessels                                  hemangioma
hemi-                  one-half                                          hemidiaphragm, hemiglossectomy
hepat-                  pertaining to the liver                       hepatology
histio-                  tissue                                             histology
hyper-                 above, excessive, more than normal  hypertension, hyperglycaemia
hypo-                  below, incomplete, deficient, under   hypoglycaemia, hypodermic
in-                       in, into, not                                    incision, intubate, insomniac
infra-                   under, below, beneath                     infraglottic, infracostal
inter-                   between, among                             intercartilaginous, interarticular
intra-                   inside, into, within                          intravenous
ipsi-                    same                                              ipsilateral
isch-                   restriction                                       ischemia
ischio-                 pertaining to the ischium                  ischioanal
iso-                     equal                                              isotonic
kal-                     potassium                                       hyperkalemia
karyo-                 nucleus                                          eukaryote
lacti-                   milk                                               lactation
latero-                 lateral                                             lateralis
manu-                 pertaining to the hand                       manufacture
macro-                large                                              macrocephalic
melos-                 extremity                                       erythromelalgia
mero-                  part                                               meroblastic
meta-                  after, behind                                   metacarpal
mal-                    bad                                               malabsorption, malignant, malaise
meso-                 middle                                           mesocolon
meta-                  after, beyind                                  metastasis, metabolism, metamorphosis
micro-                small                                             micronodular, microcephalic
multi-                 many                                             multilobar
neo-                   new, beside, abnormal                     neonatal, neoplasm
nerv-                  pertaining to the nerve                     nervous system
normo-               normal                                           normocephalic
nulli-                  none                                              nulliparous
onco-                 tumor, bulk, volume                        oncology
oo-                     egg, ovum                                     oogenesis
osseo-                bone                                              osseous
ossi-                   bone                                             ossifying fibroma
ovo-                   eggs, ovum                                   ovogenesis
oxy-                   oxygen                                          oxyhemoglobin
pachy-                thick                                             pachyderma
palpebr-              pertaining to the eye lid                   palpebra
pan-                    containing everything, total             pancytopenia
papill-                 nipple                                            papillitis
para-                   beside, alongside, abnormal            parathyroid glands, paralysis
pauci-                 few                                              pauci-immune
pector-                breast                                           pectoralgia
ped-                    pertaining to the foot                      pedoscope
pedo-                  child                                             pediatrics
peo-                    pertaining to the penis                    peotomy
per-                    through                                         percutaneous
peri-                   surrounding, around, outer              pericardium, periodontal
phaco-                lens shaped                                   phacolysis, phacostocoma
phallo-                phallus                                          aphlalia
pharmaco-          drug, medication                            pharmacology
phos-                 pertaining to light                           phosphrescence
phyt-                  to grow                                        hydrophyte
piri-                   pear                                              piriformis muscle
pleio-                 more, excessive, multiple                pleiomorphism
pod-                  foot                                               podiatry
polio-                denoting grey                                  poliomyelitis
poly-                  many, much                                  polymorphonuclear, polyneuritis
post-                 after, behind                                   postmortem, post natal
pre-                  before, in front of                           precancerous, prenatal
prim-                first, most important                       primary
pro-                  before, another                               prodromal, prognosis, prolapse
pseudo-             false                                              pseudocyesis
pterygo-            pertaining to wing                           lateral pterygoid
psor-                 itching                                           psoriasis
pulmo-               relating to lungs                             pulmonary
pykno-              to thicken                                       pyknosis
quadri-              four                                              quadriceps
radio-                radiation                                        radiowave
re-                    back, backward, again                    relapse, resection, remission
retro-                back, behind                                  retrograde, retroversion, retroflextion
sangui-              pertaining to blood                          sanguine
sarco-                muscular, fleshlike                         sarcoma
scoto-               darkness                                        scotoma
semi-                 half, partly                                    semiconscious, semirecumbent
sinus-                pertaining to the sinus                     sinusitis
sito-                  food grain                                     sitophobia
somatico-          body                                              somatic
spasmo-            spasm                                           spasmodic, dystonia
spermo-            semen, spermatozoa                        spermatogenesis
sub-                  under, below, beneath                      subcutaneous, subhepatic
super-               excess, over, above                        superimpose, superior vena cava
supra-               above, upper                                  suprascleral, suprathoracic, suprarenal
syl-                   likeness                                         synalgia
sym-                 before                                            symbiotic
syn-                 together, joined, with                       synergetic, syndactly, synthesis
tachy-              fast, rapid                                       tachycardia, tachynea
trans-               through, across, beyond                   transurethral, transfusion
tetan-               rigid, tense                                      tetanus
thec-                case, sheath                                     intrathecal
thel-                 pertaining to nipple                           theloplasty
thely-               relating to woman                            thelygenous
therap-             treatment                                        hydrotherapy
thym-              emotions                                         dysthymia
trans-               across, through                               transfusion
tri-                   three                                              triangle, trilocular
trich-               pertaining to hair                              trichocyst
tetra-               four                                                tetrameric
ultra-               beyond, excess                                ultrasound, ultrasonography
umbilical-         pertaining to the umbilicus                umbilical
ungui-              pertaining to the nail                         unguiform, ungual
uni-                  one                                                uniseptate, unilateral
urin-                pertaining to the urinary system         urination
vagin-              pertaining to the vagina                     vaginoplasty
vasculo-          blood vessel                                     vasculature
ven-                pertaining to the vein                         venospasm


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